Destroying the Altars of  Babylon 


The Lord spoke to me in 2010 that Babylon is invading the church through FREEMASONRY and the that the WALLS of INTERCESSION is broken dowm and need to be rebuilt.  The body of Christ must continue to mobilized across this nation to see that the walls of intercession is rebuilt. However, we must see ourselves as a COLLECTIVE UNIT, networked across State line gathering together for INTERCESSION to break the stronghold of Babylon's Occultic NEW AGE and FREEMASONRY in the CHURCH and the NATIONS. 

For those of you in the occult and desire a way out please engage in REPENTANCE, RENOUNCIATION, RENEWAL, RESTORATION and RECOVERY YOUR DIVINE DESTINY!

To Begin you must be BORN AGAIN by ACCEPTING JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR. Romans 10:9 says, that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 


Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner

I believe that you died for my sins

I now ask you to forgive me of my sins

I now turn away from all of my sins

I accept you as my Lord and Savior,

I invite you to come into my heart and life

I now decide to trust and follow you 

As my Lord and Savior

I thank you for hearing and answering this prayer

As I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth



Prayer to Stop the Spiritual Effects of Freemasonry If you or anyone in your family line was involved in Freemasonry, Shriners, Eastern Star, DeMolay, Jobs’ Daughters, Rainbows, etc., agreements or covenants were made, usually unknowingly, that may have opened the door to demonic interference or attack. We recommend that you pray this OUT LOUD.

Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that you became a curse for us, so that we could be blessed and that nothing is more powerful than the blood you shed for us. I confess that I (my family has) have been a member of a group related to freemasonry.

I now claim your sacrifice on my behalf and stand in the authority I have in Christ and renounce any and all involvement in the Masonic Order or any related organization. Father I come to you in the name of your Son Jesus Christ seeking forgiveness and cleansing from all sins committed against you. I renounce all oaths taken and the curses involved in Freemasonry and related organizations by my generations (and myself).

I renounce all the false gods which are honored, including the gods and goddesses of Egypt and the Soul of Cheres, the false symbol of immortality, and the false teaching of reincarnation. I renounce and forsake the declaration in the 33rd degree that Lucifer is God.

I renounce all fear of insanity, death wishes, anguish suicide and death. I renounce all anger, hatred, murderous thoughts, revenge, retaliation, spiritual apathy, false religion, all unbelief, especially unbelief in the Holy Bible as God’s Word, and all compromise of God’s Word.

I renounce every evil spirit involved, every false religious symbol and the greed and witchcraft involved to manipulate and control the rest of mankind. In the name of the True Jesus Christ, I break and cancel any curse associated with these things and I command every evil sprit to be loosed from me and to be bound to the feet of Jesus, so that He may deal with you. I call on the Name of the Lord Jesus to deliver me and my family of the spirits of sickness, infirmity, curse, affliction, addiction, disease or allergy associated with these sins which I have confessed and renounced.

Lord Jesus, thank you for your forgiveness, cleansing and protection. I now pray your precious blood over these sins and your Cross between me, my family, and all evil that has come against us. Thank you for your freedom, Lord Jesus. Please, come and restore all that was lost or stolen from us as a result of these sins. From this day on I choose to worship you only. Amen.

 (Taken from the book Unmasking Freemasonry by Selwyn Stevens )



On this Day of (Month/date/year)………………being of sound mind and of my own freewill, I enter into and remain steadfast in a Solemn and binding covenant with Almighty God and I do hereby make Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Lord and master over every area of My life and I asked the Holy Spirit of Almighty God to help me to keep this Covenant now and throughout Eternity in Jesus Name…………… Amen and Amen.

If there is ever an open door that the enemy tries to re-enter repeat this covenant and repeat EVERYDAY if needed. …SUBMIT YOURSELVES THEREFORE TO GOD, RESIST THE DEVIL and HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU….James 4:7  - This also brings the PROTECTION of God over your life.


I pledge allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ

The Father the Son and the Holy Ghost

I pledge Allegiance with the Army of the Living God

Whose Commander in Chief is the Lord Jesus Christ

I pledge to give my life to the cause of Jesus Christ

And to the spreading of the Gospel of the

Kingdom of God and the Kingdom Of Light

To the four corners of the earth

I sever and revoke every generational and ancestral ALLIANCE to satanic Covenants, oaths and agreements made with the kingdom of darkness Back to ten generations. 

I secure and receive the covenant of Protection through Almighty God for myself and that of my family and future generations. 

I NOW draw the bloodline of protection around my life and that of my family members, through Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I break every generational and ancestral CURSE enacted upon my life and that of my family members made by my ancestors through Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  

According to Galatian 3:13 I am NOW redeemed from the curse of the law and therefore my life is now hid in God Through Christ Jesus of Nazareth, the Lord, Savior and Master over every area of my life, NOW, and throughout Eternity – Amen and Amen.

 If you NEED COUNSELING, SUPPORT and PRAYER as you exit the occult, (Freemasonry) you may email me at


Many of you were initatied into the Marine Kingdom knowingly or unknowingly, some through bloodline linage and others by freewill. Many in the church and the Nation has entered into covenant with the Marine Kingdom for wealth and fame, others to recieve occultic powers to perform black magic and sorcery enacted upon humanity. If you desire deliverance from the Marine Kingdom and Marine Kingdom Spirits you may pray this prayer as often as needed on your path to freedom. 


1. I renounce and break every evil dedication to water and marine spirits.
2. I break the backbone of marine witchcraft militating against my life.
3. Marine deposits in my body, come out with all your roots now, in the name of Jesus.
4. You stubborn marine spirit spouse, be separated from me by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
5. Every marine item in my possession, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every problem that has come into my life through contact with any marine agent, receive divine solution by the blood of Jesus.
7. All my virtues and goodness in the waters, jump out and locate me now.
8. Marine witchcraft verdicts and judgments against me, back fire, in the name of Jesus.
9. Anything programmed into my life from the waters, jump out and backfire.
10. Any serpent dispatched against me from the waters, bite your-self to death.
11. Any power burning evil candles and incense against me, die with your evil load.
12. Every marine priest ministering at any evil altar against my life, fall down and die now.
13. I separate myself from every ancestral covenant with water spirits by the power in the blood of Jesus.
14. Every evil materials transferred into my body through contact with marine witchcraft agents, catch fire and be burnt to ashes, in the name of Jesus.
15. Lord Jesus, baptize my life with Holy Ghost fire that cannot be insulted, in the name of Jesus.
16. Every arrow shot into my life by witchcraft powers from the waters, I soak you in the blood of Jesus and return you back to sender.
17. Every marine witchcraft chain binding my hands and feet from prospering, be broken and shattered to pieces.
18. Every marine witchcraft burial of my life, be reversed by the blood of Jesus.
19. I release my life from the grip of marine witchcraft powers.
20. I smash every witchcraft pot and concoction being used against me to irreparable pieces.
21. I break all marine witchcraft mirrors being used to monitor my life to pieces.
22. O Lord, begin to contend with all those who are contending against me and my family.
23. I pursue, I overtake and I recover all my possessions from marine witchcraft covens.
24. Every evil done against me by marine witchcraft be reversed by the blood of Jesus.
25. I command all marine gadgets assigned against me to catch fire, in Jesus name.
26. All monitoring and surveillance satellites anywhere being used against me catch fire.
27. Every gang up of darkness against my life and family, scatter by thunder in Jesus name.
28. Today, O Lord, visit all enemies from the marine and water kingdom with thunder, storm, tempest, and flames of devouring fire, in the name of Jesus.

To Understand fully the Marine Kingdom operation in your life visit this link...

YOU can purchase the ANOINTING OIL that has been prayed over, Consecrated and set apart for the purpose of Deliverance specifically from the Occult. The prayer of activation through intercession is to break free from the kingdom of darkness and to release Healing, Deliverance and Divine Protection from Satanic covenants, Oaths and Agreements made with the Kingdom of Darkness. Use the Anointing Oil to anoint yourself, your family and home for Healing, Deliverance and Protection. The 8 oz bottle gives you two 4 oz traveling size bottle to have with you at all times.    

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